• adec@um.edu.my
  • 03-79677818

Ever wondered how AI can enhance teaching and learning? Stay tuned...

Feb 19, 2024
08.00 AM - 05.00 PM

Welcome to the Teaching and Learning Symposium, where innovation meets inspiration, and the future of education is built. Today, we begin on an exhilarating exploration of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising teaching and learning, propelling us towards a dynamic and inclusive educational landscape.

In the era of digital transformation, AI stands as a beacon of innovation in education. From intelligent tutoring systems that adapt to individual learning styles to AI-powered grading assistants that streamline assessment processes, the possibilities are endless. As educators, it is crucial to understand the diverse array of AI applications available, each offering unique opportunities to enhance the learning experience.

However, amidst the promise, challenges arise. Concerns surrounding data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the ethical implications of AI deployment necessitate careful consideration. As stewards of education, we must navigate these complexities with diligence, ensuring that AI enhances rather than detracts from the learning journey.

The Teaching and Learning Symposium serves as a catalyst for transformation, igniting a passion for innovation and excellence in education. Together, let us harness the power of AI to shape a brighter future for learners around the globe. With creativity, collaboration, and a commitment to lifelong learning, the possibilities are limitless. Join us on this exhilarating journey as we leverage AI to empower the next generation of learners and leaders.
